CAD File Converter’s main purpose is to find its way among the various formats and versions of documents generated by Autodesk’s AutoCad and by numerous other programs (more than 70 CAD, BIM and 3D formats) converting them to DXF, DWG, DWF, DXB, PDF and PDF/A formats. CAD File Converter is for Windows and Macintosh.
CAD File Converter is the key that gives you access to drawings in the most common CAD formats, by making them compatible with your own graphic programmes – even if not the latest versions – visualising them and printing in PDF format.
It can import drawings in DWG, DXF and DXB from version 12 to the most recent 2018 version, as well as drawings and maps in every kind of DWF format, compressed and uncompressed.
It can also import 3D and BIM models with the following formats: IFC, 3D, 3DS, 3MF, a3D, aC, aC3D, ACC, AMF, ASE, ASK, ASSBIN, AD3D, B3D, BVH, BLEND, COB, CSM, DAE, ENFF, FBX, GLB, GLTF, HMP, IFCZIP, IRR, IRRMESH, LWO, LWS, LXO, M3D, MD2, MD3, MD5ANIM, MDLCamera, MD5Mesh, MDC, MDL, mesh, meshxml, MOT, MS3D, NDO, NFF, OBJ, OFF, OGEX, PK3, PLY, PMX, PRJ, Q3O, Q3S, RAW, SCN, SIB, SMD, STL, STP, TER, UC, VTA, X, X3D, X3DB, XGL, XML, ZAE, ZGL
All drawings can be quickly visualised in a preview or transformed into DXF and DWG, again – versions 12 to 201(, in DWF binary, ASCII, compressed or uncompressed and PDF.

Cad File Converter converts all the formats to PDF. Several options allow the user to fully configure the resulting PDF file:
- Paper width and height: allows you to input paper dimensions, in cm or decimal inches, for the pdf to be generated.
- Export layout: allows you to decide whether to transform only the active layout or all layouts in the original file, thus creating a multi-page pdf.
- Cm or Inches: Unit of misure for the sheet size.
- Up – Down arrows button: it swaps paper width and height.
- Compressed: allows you to generate a pdf with reduced dimensions.
- AsciiHEX Comp: if this option is activated the text is compressed with the ASCII/HEX method.
- Hatch dpi: resolution for displaying patterns and hatchings.
- Include Fonts: enables inclusion of True Type fonts in the document.
- Optimized: the fonts inside the documents are optimized.
- True Type Geometry: enables conversion of True Type fonts as geometric elements.
- Optimize geometry: enables optimization of elements (transforms polylines to segments and Bézier curves to control points.
- Fit to paper: this option adapts elements to paper dimensions chosen, or to layout parameters.
The following fields are optional:
- Title: Title of document.
- Author: Name of the person who created the document
- Subject: Subject of the document.
- Keyword: one keyword associated with the document.
- Creator: Application that created original document.
- Producer: Application that converted file to pdf.
- Without margins: the entire area of paper is used without leaving any margin
- Remove hidden lines: a software algorithm eliminates hidden lines
- Enable layers support: does just that (Version 1.5 pdf)
- Include disabled layers: invisible layers are also added to pdf (Version 1.5 pdf)
CAD File Converter is a simple, easy-to-use tool that increases compatibility among the various CAD programmes, including between different versions of the same programme, as well as visualising and printing various drawing formats.
Main functions are:
Import-export of various DWG, DXF and DXB formats from versions 12 to versions 2018, images included..
- Conversion from the following BIM and 3D formats: IFC, 3D, 3DS, 3MF, a3D, aC, aC3D, ACC, AMF, ASE, ASK, ASSBIN, AD3D, B3D, BVH, BLEND, COB, CSM, DAE, ENFF, FBX, GLB, GLTF, HMP, IFCZIP, IRR, IRRMESH, LWO, LWS, LXO, M3D, MD2, MD3, MD5ANIM, MDLCamera, MD5Mesh, MDC, MDL, mesh, meshxml, MOT, MS3D, NDO, NFF, OBJ, OFF, OGEX, PK3, PLY, PMX, PRJ, Q3O, Q3S, RAW, SCN, SIB, SMD, STL, STP, TER, UC, VTA, X, X3D, X3DB, XGL, XML, ZAE, ZGL,WG.
Import and export of DWF format.
Taking ACIS solid modeling and transforming into mesh for use in most 3D programs if exported in version 12.
Quick preview function for all formats
Exporting DWG, DXF, DXF and DWF files in PDF format
- Supporting PDF/A on Mac Os
Supporting several DWF formats (compressed, not compressed, bimary, ascii, encoded. etc)
Multiple documents and folders conversion
Scaled fully configured PDF ready for printing
Drag and drop support. File and folders can be dragged into the CAD File Converter Window.
- Internal manual
Windows 7, 8, 10
Mac Os X 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, 10.14, 10.15