VerPres is an iPhone app for analyzing rectangular sections of reinforced concrete for strain and stress strain. It is compatible with iPad and iPod.
Verpres for iPhone can check rectangular sections of reinforced concrete for strain and stress-strain.
Calculation is done according to Eurocodes and Italian building regulations (NTC 2008)
Based on data input, the program determines the section’s Interaction Diagram, position of neutral axis, ultimate moment and safety factor.
The program draws the Interaction Diagram with the load and ultimate moment applied.
It also provides a detailed report with all data and results.
The report can be sent by email.
The app has four windows that can be opened using the tab bar.
The first window is for data.
Data to be input are:
- Base and height of section in mt.
Axial load in DaN (DecaNewton)
Applied moment in DaNm
Modulus of elasticity of steel in DaN/cm2
Modulus of elasticity of concrete in DaN/cm2
Number and diameter of upper rebars
Number and diameter of lower rebars
The following data aren’t modifiable and derive from the materials chosen in the Materials window:
- Calculation resistance of steel in DaN/cm2
- Calculation resistance of concrete in DaN/cm2
The second window allows the user to choose the materials from the bottom picker.
Choosing Custom is possible to modify the resistence and the modulus od elasticity values.
The third window shows the Interaction Diagram graphic and main results, in numeric form. A red circle with cross visualizes the actual situation.
The results in red show:
- Field describing test applied. Fields are: 1 – traction breaking of steel; 2 – breaking of steel by axial load; 3 – contemporary breaking of steel and concrete; 4 – breaking of concrete.
- Ultimate moment of section
- Epsilon ratio = neutral axis / height
- Position of neutral axis from above
- Indication whether section is verified
The graph can be scaled, regardless of whether on the moment or axial load axis, by two-finger scrolling and can even be moved with one finger.
The fourth window shows the report with all data and results.
The Send eMail button sends the report’s contents via email.
The fifth window contains general information.
All in all, Verpres is the perfect app for fast analysis of RC sections when out of the office, especially when on-site. The surveyor can analyse a section and send his calculation by email to the office.
VerPres is for iPhone, iPod Tuch or iPad with IOS 7.0 or later
iPhone, iPod Tuch o iPad con IOS 6.1 o superiore