Parametric selection and the AREF code.

Would you mind explaining a bit more about this parametric selection and the AREF code. AREF means Architectural Exchange Format. It’s a file format that allows the communication between Domus.Cad and other engineering software. AREF code is a name that we can give to any element to identify it in other softwares or in Domus.Cad. We…


Does new element go over or under?

Each new element I draw goes under, instead of over, existing elements and there is no way to move it up. Please help! In Domus.Cad different elements are ordered as followed: – Pictures – Polygons and curves – Slabs and roofs – Stairs – Walls – Objects So a wall will always be on top…


Repeating elements with variations

I have a series of elements which are repeated throughout my drawing, but with different dimensions, so I changed the height of each single element, one by one. Was there a quicker way of doing this? There are several possible procedures. A couple follow below. 1) – Select the elements and group them in an…


Duplicate elements

Can I draw a pillar, duplicate it at a distance of 2 mt, then duplicate these 2 pillars at the same distance apart to make 4 pillars, then 4 pillars to make 8, and so on. In Domus.Cad there are two different duplication modes: offset and parallel. If parallel operations are enabled (Edit menu), the…


Modifying objects

what modifications can you make to an object – eg if an object is an “I “beam can you lengthen it, make it deeper ? what are the limitations The following modifications are directly applicable to an object: – Rotation, by mouse or by value – Deforming in x,y,z directions. By mouse and value in x…


How to create an object

How are objects, as in the library of object provide get made -ie so I can custom make an objects, such as wood fired heater, or louvred windows panel. The easiest way: 1) on a clean layer, create the object using the appropriate 2D and/or 3D tools (assigning whatever materials, etc.) 2) choose the Save Active…


Different approaches to drawing

I need help in getting the construction documents together include. 1. generation of 1:50 sections, 1:100 elevations, 1:10 section details, 1:10 plan details, window elevations and details. 2. adding notes and dimensions 3. paging sheets to a printing sheet 4, setting up a printer/plotter – preferably A1 – my engineer has offered the use of…



Any tips you might have on making a Column would be helpful! If the section of a column is a rectangle, treat it as a simple wall with the desired dimensions. For a circular column, you can use circular slabs as in the example below – let’s suppose that we want a circular column with…


How to insert library objects

I have difficulty with putting furniture in my drawings. When I choose a piece of furniture, it appears in the bottom left of my screen in a “fade” Grey color. I then move it to the place I want it, but once I click on it, it disappears. The same happens with windows also.  You have…


Suspended treads

My staircase has suspended treads which rest on two metal beams. I drew the treads, the IPE in 2D and I gave my slab a thickness of 2 meters. Now I want to rotate the beams and align them under the stair treads with a slope of 17 cm / 25 cm or 68 %.…
