Rotating a picture

Pictures can’t be rotated in Domus.Cad. so I tried saving the picture as an object, then rotating it, but it doesn’t work. Any suggestions? P.S. – the scanning software and graphic converter only allow rotation in 90 degree increments. What scanning software are you using? What are the supported exporting formats (PICT, GIF, JPEC, TIFF, ……


Depth of detail at various scales

How do you control the depth of the Section view, say at 1:50 so it shows detail to a depth of 1-2m. There is no way to automatically control the depth. Domus.Cad always shows the entire model. If you need to see different details when you change the scale, I suggest you should use different materials…


Editing a DWG/DXF file

I have imported a dwg of a building plan which I have drawn up on vectorworks. The drawing is fine except I can not get it ungrouped or separated so that I can work with the lines and shapes which I have already created. I simply want to use the 2D plan which I have…


Wrong scale in importing dxf-dwg files

Wrong scale in importing dxf-dwg files Regarding the wrong scale in importing DWG and DXF file, it depends usually on a wrong unit of measurement. Inside AutoCAD there isn’t a unit of measure like in Domus.Cad, but a unit of design. In printing, the user specifies the length of the unit of design, so the…


TIFF Files

I would like to know how to import a TIF file into a Domus.Cad document so I can use a survey as a base plan for a drawing. The Macintosh version, thanks to QuickTime, supports more formats than Windows. It takes all formats supported by QuickTime (GIF, JPG, TIF, TGA, Photoshop, BTM, WMF and many others).…


DXF/DWG size problems

Sometimes a drawing imported from AutoCad is either very small or very big, or the text is larger than the drawing. Why? Check the units of measurement. DWG and DXF files have no unit of measurement – AutoCad doesn’t take this into consideration until time of printing. For example, if an AutoCad drawing in meters…


DXF/DWG from AutoCad

When I import from AutoCad, why can’t I see each layer? And when I export to AutoCad, why can’t I see the entire project? DomusCad offers a choice of import/export modes, depending on what you want to do. Either : – Layers -> Import DWG-DXF to Active Layer or  – File -> Import -> Import…


How to export a 2D drawing

How to export a 2D drawing To export a 2D drawing there are 2 methods. The first is the Layers->Export Active Layer -> in DXF/DWG Format. This command exports the current active layer only. The second is the File->Export->Page in DXF/DWG format. This command exports the content of the current drawing table. Before using this command…


Using layers to organise views

Also when I have the vault layered over the plan, can’t see the internal layout – its like the vault is solid – how can I make the vault look transparent or outlined while I work on the other parts of the design. There a couple of ways: 1) put the vaults and any other elements…
