
Is there a technique for adding skylights, i.e. windows on/through a roof or slab? There is a couple of ways of doing this: 1. Using any polygon or curve of any form to “punch” the roof or the slab (select the slab and the polygon on it and execute the command Process -> Punch Slab or…


Sharing the same mullion frame

How do I draw in doors and windows so that they share the same mullion frame? One method could be as follows: Draw a large door opening equal to the width of the door base + the window base Inside the door opening, draw a slab with a Reference Ht and Thickness equal to your sill…


Creating a window frame step-by-step

When I insert a door or window in a wall, it creates a sized opening. this opening can be made transparent or coloured (in 3D view). To have a window or door frame, you need to create separate slab elements- as you have described to me previously. The door element is in essence a coloured…
