Polar and relative coordinates

Is there any way of manually inputting the X & Y-coordinates to determine the length of the walls? Is there a box anywhere that the length can be typed into? If you want to draw a wall inserting the length, you can use the polar or relative input. Follow the steps below: – Click with…


Lengthening a wall

When lengthening a Wall , the program calculates from the center of the wall, even if the start point indicated was the end of the wall. A wall is registered by its axis and this is what the program takes into account, during modifications. If you want to maintain the original direction, choose the option…


Modifying wall parameters

I am trying to change the parameters of a few walls already in the design, and each time I open the “Walls…” dialog box and make some changes, I get an error message. I selected the walls I wanted to alter and then selected “Walls…” from the Parameters menu. Do you have a Window or Door…


A hexagonal room

I want to create a hexagonal room. I chose 120 degrees and a wall appeared with 120 degree angle. The next wall that I need to build is at 90 degrees. So if I choose Free Angle, how can I build shapes with precise angles? It’s similar to the manual method used on drafting machines.…


Connecting the walls to the roof 2

The User Guide example creates roof slabs, adds upper-level wall segments and then cuts each wall segment to fit under the slope of the roof. Roof design and modification is critical for me; my current project involves re-designing some roof sections on an existing home to accommodate architecture changes to the interior. Basically there are 2 ways…


Roof slab up to a curved wall

How do you construct a roof slab, at say a 25 degree pitch, that is supported/buts up to a curved wall? (Sort of like a garret wall except in the opposite plane). I have thought of ways to do this, such as construct a rectangular slab and then cut it using the scissors tool and remove…


Connecting the walls to the roof

I have created a single pitched roof for a rectangular 3-level building, but cannot find the right method for connecting the walls to the roof.  To make the walls match exactly the bottom part of the roof you must select all the walls and the roof and execute the command Adjust Walls on Roof from the…


Garret wall for vaulted roof

The vaulted roof method turns the slab into an object – How can you edit it, in terms of creating a garret wall to close off a gable end, and then insert a door or window into that garret wall.? The easiest way to do this is to use the same polygon you used to generate…
