Library windows

When applying a library Window to an opening, why does the program turn the object 90 degrees ? The library Window must be saved horizontal, with the internal part facing up and the external, down. In this way Domus.Cad applies the object correctly, no matter which way the opening is orientated. Simply open your Window…


Window in gable wall

How do you put a window into a gable wall? I have split the wall into two, coinciding with the apex of the gable in order to create the varying wall heights. But I now am unable to create a window across the center of the gable, bridging between the two walls. Is there a…


Modifying windows in walls

Does the package allow the insertion of windows and doors accurately using coordinates, as for walls? Yes, there are several methods to accurately insert or modify an opening, window or door, in a wall. Double click on the Windows/Doors icon and look at the Windows or Doors parameters dialog window: You can choose several tracing…


Dormer windows and skylights

Below is one of several possible methods, using the Scissors, a simple but powerful function.  – below is a roof with four walls. Select the Roof/Slab icon and make 3 cuts (shown as red lines. – now modify the color and thickness of the portion destined as a window and reduce the reference height by…



Is there a technique for adding skylights, i.e. windows on/through a roof or slab? There is a couple of ways of doing this: 1. Using any polygon or curve of any form to “punch” the roof or the slab (select the slab and the polygon on it and execute the command Process -> Punch Slab or…


Sharing the same mullion frame

How do I draw in doors and windows so that they share the same mullion frame? One method could be as follows: Draw a large door opening equal to the width of the door base + the window base Inside the door opening, draw a slab with a Reference Ht and Thickness equal to your sill…


Creating a window frame step-by-step

When I insert a door or window in a wall, it creates a sized opening. this opening can be made transparent or coloured (in 3D view). To have a window or door frame, you need to create separate slab elements- as you have described to me previously. The door element is in essence a coloured…
