How does Nonio C calculates the terrain model?

How does Nonio C calculates the terrain model? Nonio C constructs a mathematical surface connecting points with line segments to construct triangles. The generation of triangles is also regulated by the maximum distance for triangulation entered in the Preferences dialog box, which requires the program to search for and construct triangles only among points falling…


How can imported images be used?

How can imported images be used? Imported immages can be used for a number of objectives, among which some are listed below: – Digitalization of a map with contour lines – Superimposing a design on the survey – Superimposing a survey drawing on an aerial photo – Use of a design as a guide for…


How does grahic import work in Nonio C?

How does grahic import work in Nonio C?
Nonio C imports graphic images in several formats. The PICT import command uses QuickTime and can import all the graphic formats handled by the installed QuickTime Other methods to import an image in Nonio C are Copy and Past and Drag & Drop.

How does DXF import work in Nonio C?

How does DXF import work in Nonio C? Nonio C imports single points,  polygons (in DXF Polyline), faces, which it inserts as points to eventually be united by breaklines. It does not import other elements, such as lines, text, circles, etc. The primary use of DXF importation in Nonio C is to import contour lines…